International Lecithin and Phospholipid Societyazevedo@ilps.orgLogin
Pictures of successful ILPS Lecithin Short Course 2014 | 21-24 June 2014 | Ghent, Belgium

21 Jun, 2014

Pictures of successful ILPS Lecithin Short Course 2014 | 21-24 June 2014 | Ghent, Belgium

The 4th ILPS Short Course “Lecithin Functions in Technology and Nutrition” was held at the University Conference Center “Het Pand” in the sunny gothic center of Ghent with demonstrations in the laboratories. The number of 70+ participants exceeded the target. View a selection of photos.

1 Ghent University Conference Building
1 Ghent University Conference Building

2 Lecture Hall in Het Pand
2 Lecture Hall in Het Pand

3 Lectures
3 Lectures

4 Lectures
4 Lectures

5  Presentation M- Sovago
5 Presentation M- Sovago

6 Emulsification Demo
6 Emulsification Demo

7 Emulsification Demo
7 Emulsification Demo

8 Emulsion Tests
8 Emulsion Tests

9 Audience at Demo
9 Audience at Demo

10 Rheology Lab
10 Rheology Lab

11 SEM Microscopy
11 SEM Microscopy

12 SFI with NMR
12 SFI with NMR

13 Chocolate Rheology
13 Chocolate Rheology

14 SC participants on guided tour
14 SC participants on guided tour

15 Ghent City Center
15 Ghent City Center

16-Ghent Gothic Towers
16-Ghent Gothic Towers