Frank D. Gunstone
The Oily Press, an imprint of PJ Barnes & Associates, POBox 200, Bridgwater, TA7 0YZ, England. ISBN 978-0-9552512-2-1; [2008]
This 200 pages book is published as Volume 22 in the Oily Press Lipid Library. The Editor has selected with the support of lecithin expert Dr Michael Schneider 14 professionals for editing in total 8 chapters. The book has become an interesting combination of topics on sourcing, production and modification of the traditional soy lecithins, fundamental physical properties of phospholipids, technical emulsifying functions and biological functions of vegetable phospholipids and sphingolipids. AOCS - INFORM magazine, January 2009 edition published an extensive review. This book is a must for each student, technician and scientist, working with phospholipids or other surfactants in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics applications. The book is also important for biochemists and biologists with interest for biomembranes and phospholipid functionality in plant, animal and human cells and bodies.